Category archive of Advertising Agencies

How to Hire an Advertising Agency in the Adirondacks
North country businesses are realizing that advertising is changing – fast. Many of us remember the days when it was much easier to manage your ads in-house. The ads were not cheap, granted, but they worked. As long as your ad was coherent you never had to worry about whether customers would walk through your

Should I Hire An Advertising Agency?
When some business owners think of advertising agencies, they imagine creative pitches in plush boardrooms, involving top-tier clients with enormous budgets. Blame it on watching too many episodes of Mad Men. The reality is most agencies work with small-to-medium sized businesses, helping them bring a higher level of strategy and focus to their marketing. Almost

4 Ways an Advertising Agency Can Save You Money
Yes, you read that title right. This article is about how advertising agencies can actually save your business money. Now, that doesn’t mean that you won’t face expenses, as well – you can count on paying for creative development, design, and other hands-on tasks – but many executives are surprised to learn that an advertising

Signs Your Advertising Agency Is Wasting Your Money
There may have been a time in the not-so-distant past when your business and advertising agency were in perfect sync. The campaigns fired on all six cylinders and customers came running through your door every time. And then one day you realize things aren’t what they used to be. Your budget has increased, but the

Does Your Business Really Need an Advertising Agency?
Businesses come in many different types and sizes, but they all have at least one thing in common: they all need marketing and advertising. Even the ones that get by on word-of-mouth eventually realize that waiting for referrals is a very slow way to grow a business. Word of mouth is great, no doubt about